But I can at least try to keep this one relatively focused--no flights of philosophic fancy are really needed, seeing as how I'll be the only one reading this thing--so I'm going to write about something simple: songs I like listening to and (generally music) videos I like watching. This will not be a very informed or cutting-edge music review blog, because I'm not really up on everything the kids are listening to these days; rather, I'm just going to mention what songs I like, no matter how old or how unironical or lame. I may also throw some random posts about some new waste-of-money product I just bought or something. I actually did just buy a photo printer, the Canon Pixma Pro9000, that I'm rather psyched about. It's supposed to be delivered tomorrow, but I just got a phone message from UPS saying that someone needs to be home to sign for it upon delivery. They gave me a time window of 8am to 7pm. That's almost adorable. What it really does is pretty much guarantee that I will find myself veining it up with some UPS person before I finally receive this printer. Which is a shame when you really think about it.
I'm glad you started a blog baxter -- even if I only understand every fourth word of it.
Why the hand-wringing? You were born to blog. Embrace it. The Age of Irony is over. We're about to elect a black dude. C'mon.
Um... but I'm a human blogging as my cat
We're just going to have to have the cats settle this.
My cat can beat up your cat.
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